Emergency Aeration To Prevent Fish Die-Offs

Its estimated that 85% of mass fish die off is caused by depleted oxygen levels in ponds.  Aeration (in any form) is the solution to not only protecting fish in stressful times, but also to prevent catastrophic fish loss during the summer months.  In this video I discuss a couple of interventions to help immediately raise [...]

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Can Aeration Help A Pond Look Better?

Pond aeration is a popular method of improving the health and appearance of a pond. But can it also help a pond look better? The answer is yes. Pond aeration can improve the overall look of a pond by reducing the amount of algae, improving water clarity, and promoting the growth of beneficial plants.Algae is [...]

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Solar Pond Aerators - Are They Good Or Bad?

Is a solar pond aerator good or bad?  Keeping in mind that good and bad are relative terms…the best answer to that question is…well…both, depending on your situation.I have to be honest…I’m a big fan of renewable energy. Over time, the cleaner we make our energy production, the better we’ll all be for it.I [...]

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Pond Aeration For Hydraulic Fractured Water Lagoons

Mark Washburn
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a water intensive process.  And often this work is done in areas that are drought prone, where water becomes an even more valuable resource.  So reclaiming or reusing water can provide a great savings in both cost, and in the water itself.Aeration is a valuable, inexpensive, cost saving tool in this [...]

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What Maintenance Is Involved With Rocking Piston Aeration Pumps?

Mark Washburn
There are several types of pumps used with pond aerators these days.  For large ponds, you'll find systems powered by rotary vane or rocking piston pumps, and by a pretty wide margin, rocking pistons are finding the most use.With that in mind, we get a lot of questions relating to maintenance on this type of [...]

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How Pond Aeration Can Improve Algae Control

Want to know the secret to keeping a pond clean and clear of algae problems?It can be easier than you think, and you can often do it without using chemicals, like copper based algaecides.Pond Aeration Is Part Of Our Algae Control MethodWe like to work against algae in a two step process, at least to [...]

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Do I Really Need A Protective Cover Over My Aeration Pump?

Mark Washburn
When it comes to our pond aerators, a really common question often pops up, and it's a good one to ask."Do I really need a protective cover over my aeration pump?"The short answer is usually, yes. But there may be some exceptions.When you look at the pond aeration offerings as a whole, and this includes [...]

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How To Properly Care For A Pond Aeration Pump

To get the best performance and longest life out of your aeration pump, its important to remember to perform some routine maintenance every now and then.  This sounds a lot more complicated than it really is.For the most part, all aeration pumps (and there are primarily 3 kinds - linear, rocking piston, and rotary vane) [...]

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