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If you have a large pond and particularly an older one that may have a lot of old leaf and organic build up at the bottom, this can be a prime stimulator of unwanted algae growth as well as a number of other problems.

Reducing and elminating this muck and sludge is one of the very best things you can do to improve the overall health and condition of your pond and the best tool for doing that is PBME.

PBME is a pelletized form of beneficial bacteria, activated barley and enzymes that specifically designed to sink into the muck and actually begin breaking it down and reduces it away. It goes precisely where it needs to, to reduce and eventually elimiante the muck! The slow-release pellets provide a potent way to target the muck specifically and clean your pond up, from the bottom up. They are also a great way to metabolize phosphorous found in the muck as well.

PBME as well as all the PondBiotix products use biological concentrations that are rarely seen in the pond care industry. Yet we continue to use natural processes that work in harmony with nature and provide a safe and sensible way to create a clear and healthy pond.

Results with our pellets can begin to be seen in as little as one week and depending on the degree of muck build up, you can retreat in as little as every two weeks until the muck is reduced. PBME works best in water tempertures above 60 degrees and optimal results are usually achieved in water temperatures above 70 degrees F.

Dosage rates can vary considerably but we suggest broadcasting the pellets on the surface of the pond at a rate of 3 lbs for every 1,000 square feet. The product can be targeted to specific areas, rather than treating the entire pond as well. Apply monthly or as needed.

PondBiotix Me Muck Elimination Pellets - 30 LBS

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