Oxygen - The Key To Vibrant Pond Life

Mark Washburn

I just uploaded a video this morning that talks about oxygen in your pond.  Why its vital to sustaining aquatic life...how much is good, and how low can you go before you run into problems. Watch until the end to learn how to maintain or recover good oxygen levels in your pond!

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Is Your Pond Aerated?

PAAF's Happy Staff
Hello!  Welcome to our new blog on Pond Aerators And Fountains.Here's an important question for you.  Is your pond aerated?If it's not, you should really consider aeration as the #1 thing you can do to help improve the pond's condition, health, and vitality.  It's sounds hard to believe that one simple thing would help so [...]

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The Biosphere Pro - See How It Can Work On Pond Algae

If you've ever wondered what a good beneficial bacteria can do for a pond, you need look no further than this short video, showing how the Biosphere Pro gradually and safely reduced an algae bloom that was just starting to take over the pond.The Biospheres are safe, eco-friendly, and a healthy alternative to harsh chemical [...]

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The Best Aerators For 1 Acre Ponds

What's the best aerator for a 1 acre pond?  We cover three models in our store that have proven to be a great fit for ponds up to 1 acre in size.  They all include a 1/4 HP rocking piston compressor, 100' of airline and a single weighted diffuser.  All of them will cover 1 [...]

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"I Think I Killed All My Fish" - How To Prevent Mass Fish Kills In Your Pond

When the summer months come along, we always get at least a few calls or emails that go something like this.  "I think I killed all my fish", or "I lost all my fish overnight!". Something like this is hard to experience but it can be something we learn from too.  Fish loss, especially significant fish [...]

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Can You Aerate A Pond Too Much?

Pond aeration is an extremely beneficial tool to add to an aquatic ecosystem as it raises oxygen levels throughout the water body.  This is very supportive and protective of fish populations and it often helps with a variety of water quality problems too.But can you aerate a pond too much?  Is there a downside to [...]

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Emergency Aeration To Prevent Fish Die-Offs

Its estimated that 85% of mass fish die off is caused by depleted oxygen levels in ponds.  Aeration (in any form) is the solution to not only protecting fish in stressful times, but also to prevent catastrophic fish loss during the summer months.  In this video I discuss a couple of interventions to help immediately raise [...]

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Can Aeration Help A Pond Look Better?

Pond aeration is a popular method of improving the health and appearance of a pond. But can it also help a pond look better? The answer is yes. Pond aeration can improve the overall look of a pond by reducing the amount of algae, improving water clarity, and promoting the growth of beneficial plants.Algae is [...]

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